National Energy Action is a charity that aims to help those in fuel poverty and provide vital support and information. With the UK in the grip of an energy crisis and record numbers experiencing fuel poverty, the charity wanted to produce an animation that would help bring home the stark reality of the situation and signpost people to the support that NEA could provide.
NEA were able to provide a real-life case study of a boy and his family experiencing fuel poverty. We took the details and created a script to tell the story in an emotive way. Bespoke, hand drawn illustrations were created in-house to bring the boy and his family to life.
The animation was given a storybook feel through the illustrations. While telling the story of the boy and family, it also showcased the unsung role teachers were playing in dealing with the fallout of the energy crisis in its pupils. The animation was shared through the charity’s digital channels and with its key stakeholders.
In the early part of the animation the drawings were scrawled, cold and negative. In the latter half (once the family had received agency support) they became more careful, resolved, and had an overall feeling of warmth and comfort.
“It’s brilliant! Everyone in NEA’s management team loved it. We’ve had a few tears. I love them so, so much. I can’t tell you how chuffed we are.”
Lesley Tudor-Snodin, Project Development Manager for NEA