Meet Olivia, our graceful, sporty PM. She does nothing in demi-measures, will help you get to the pointe and is sure to keep you on our toes!
(ok, no more ballet jokes, promise)
What did you do before joining Alive? 
I worked in the NHS for just over 7 years. I was fortunate that my university course was consolidated into two days, and so began the start of my career in the NHS working part-time.
After I finished Uni, I decided to stay within the NHS supporting in a few different roles from information analysing and taking minutes to working on new people initiatives and projects alongside supporting new starters in the organisation. The NHS is an amazing, national treasure and I was proud to work with them!
When did you first decide you wanted to be a Project Manager? 
I have always been drawn to being organised with my work, timings and such. My previous roles have leant somewhat into that skill. I would say that within the last four years my interest into project management has grown, I think this is down to gaining more experience and exposure to project management. I like the start and end points of a project, knowing key milestones and having a plan!
With project management you need to like being organised and wanting to plan ahead..excel sheets and all!
What do you most enjoy about your job?
I really like that everyday is different, working and collaborating with different members of the team and our clients is really exciting, it feels like a small win every time a piece of work is signed off and on deadline!
The people at Alive are amazing and there is so much creative energy bubbling away, we have a consistent flow of very different projects which keeps things interesting and very varied. One day we could be working on an animation for a local council, another day developing a brand.
Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?
Outside of work, I’m most likely walk my dog, Walter, somewhere in the countryside with a coffee in hand. I also love spending time with my friends and family, again walking or catching up over tea and cake!
Talking of cake, I love baking and when I do have time you’ll find me in the kitchen with my kitchen aid whirring away!
Finally, something we’d never guess about you?
I was a keen ballet dancer from the ages of around 4 to 17, it really helped in pushing me outside of my comfort zone preforming in shows and exams! It’s one of my goals to go back to classes – let’s see how that goes.
I ‘enjoy’ running, I use that phrase loosely! For all the benefits it does give, being outside, the boost in energy and endorphins. In 2021, I completed the London Marathon. It was an amazing achievement and one thing ticked off my bucket list, I don’t think it’s something I’ll do again but it was a proud moment!