Do you feel like the creative force within you has been diminished?
Looking to rediscover your Jedi skills and fight back against the dark side of dull, dreary comms?
Come with us on a journey to a galaxy of inspiration and ideas to outshine any lightsabre.
Like Luke Skywalker, you need to discover and trust in the force inside you.
It's special and it's unique to you. Your ideas are formed by your experiences and yours alone - no-one else can replicate that.
Yet we need to fight and control the fear, just like Luke. Fear of putting ideas out there. Of where to start. Of being judged.
But by controlling and channelling that fear for good, your creative force can come radiating out.
One of Yoda's great snippets of wisdom to unlock the force - unlearn what you have learned.
Stripping away our preconceptions can help us to see things in a new creative light.
Kids are masters at looking at the world differently. Is that a dustbin or R2D2 hiding round the corner?
Rediscovering the inquisitive imagination of your inner child can help us to start seeing the world in a new light.
Like the Force, channeling energy and inspiration from everything around you is the key to avoiding the dark side.
We call it the Ideas Everywhere mindset, where everything becomes a potential creativity bomb ready to blow.
Open your eyes and ears and take in everything around you - ideas are there, from the stars in the sky to the wisdom of others.
It's not really a Rebel Alliance - it just means a small tweak in your outlook, young Padawan.
Hey, Princess Leia needed a bit of help to conquer the Galactic Empire, so there's no shame in looking for a bit of help in exploding your creative block.
First, don't let your astronomical new ideas escape. Guards, capture them!
Carry a pen. Use your Notes on your phone. Like something on social.
Or, like the Millennium Falcon, we're here to come to the rescue at warp speed with our Ideas Everywhere blog, where we aggregate great ideas we've come across all for you.