In a way, we feel like the lucky ones.
We are grateful and fortunate that we’ve able to support many people – from the NHS to international businesses – with the enormous challenges the pandemic has thrown up.
But speaking with those we work with and also other members of our tight-knit comms community, we have been given a close-up insight into the impact this startling situation has had on teams and individuals.
It’s been eye-opening.
The long days (and evenings, and nights…), the ever-changing deadlines and demands, the uncharted waters of mass home working. And not just for a week or two, like a lot of crises, but for months at a time.
It’s why we wanted to say thanks.
For being your utterly brilliant selves. For weathering the storm. For firefighting. For the knackering shifts and the drawn-out conversations you have endured. For caring about comms, pushing to get it right for the people you are trying to reach. This year has been about as challenging as it gets for a communicator. It’s also why we wanted to try and help in a small way.
We asked you a few short questions about what your biggest headaches currently are and what they could be in this surreal new future we are beginning to navigate.
Your answers helped us pull together this guide to Business As Unusual.
It focuses on the areas you told us were important to you – mental health, remote working, the importance of comms, and inclusion.
It also features top tips from some of the most marvellous commentators and experts around, as well as some useful further reading.
We hope it helps in some small way.