Ah, the lightbulb moment. We all have them now and then. The exact second where you ask yourself the question, “Why isn’t that being done like that?”
It could be when Thomas Edison had his own (literal) lightbulb moment, or when you decided to get a key bowl to put next to the front door, to save yourself 30 seconds every single day.
These are innovations. Moments of inspiration that reimagine the day-to-day. Innovation is a word that’s often associated with the grand, boldest changes – but we believe that innovations can be tiny, and still have a giant impact.
We are currently working with organisations to help communicate the importance of innovation within their teams, emphasising our idea of innovation and showing them that lots of small changes can make a big difference.
Think… small?
Innovation and changes don’t start company wide. If they did, they’d likely fail or not be adopted, as it’s too much change too quickly. Most are small, and they happen every single day.
Our campaigns can help to change your employees’ and your stakeholders’ perspectives and enable them to turn their fascinating creative ideas into something they can share and be rewarded for.
We’re not getting all sciency, or spiritual, that’s not really our bag – but it’s undeniable that a collection of small changes has the power to be more impactful than one, enforced big one.
By communicating the power of a small change, your employees can think more innovatively and creatively every single day – and everyone stands to win.
Encourage creativity
Your staff are almost certainly aware of things that they feel could be done better within their team or department. Or maybe they’re sitting on a bank of ideas that they don’t feel they have an opportunity to put to you.
Creativity is rife throughout teams – and it can come from the most unexpected places. For example, if you know members in your team have ‘side hustles’ or creative outlets outside of the office, it’s highly likely they’ve also got some valuable nuggets of information about your business and its processes.
Communicating your openness to hearing these ideas helps you access a pool of high-value, first-hand innovation concepts from the people who know you best.
Google and Atlassian have well documented 20% rules – meaning staff have one day a week to spend time on non-job-role projects. Whilst that’s not realistic for many smaller businesses, it shows that the big players understand the value of having creative time for their staff, and how the best, most impactful innovations are likely to come from within their own team.
How we’re helping our clients
When it comes to encouraging creativity, we’re emphatic enablers with zero shame about it!
We believe that creativity is the key to solving problems across businesses, industries, and the world.
Our clients utilise our passion to harness creativity within their own teams. We do this a number of ways, including:
- creating internally distributed toolkits to look for innovation opportunity
- creating explainers or video tools to enable creative thinking
- holding on-site workshops to really get those creative muscles working
Once you’ve made the commitment and got the tools, it’s only a matter of time before you’re reaping the rewards and building an internal creative engine that benefits your processes, marketing, and business development.
Sound good?
We’re always looking for more opportunities to spread some creative joy.
If you’re ready to go, so are we.